Thursday, August 23, 2018

I will develop nutrition plan workout plan and fitness programs

I will develop nutrition plan workout plan and fitness programs


I am a competitive bodybuilder with over 10 years experience in developing fitness plans and training techniques/workout plans for various body types.

Many have trained for years and see very little results. Every day I go to the gym and see the same guys. Are they consistent? YES...then why aren't they growing or getting leaner? Simple! Consistency alone is not the answer. In order to achieve your desired fitness objective you have to take a deliberate and systematic approach to dieting and training.

My fitness programs are geared toward a tiered system where I ensure that individuals have the required core and stability strength before moving to the next level. With this approach, I ensure the necessary balance training critical for muscular or strength development.

My nutrition plans are  focused on optimizing and retraining the metabolic system. Each person is different, and as such, I carefully screen the responses and information you provide as well as additional material in order to formulate the most effective program for your needs. Additionally, my programs are carefully detailed and developed showing specific macronutrient breakdown and portions. 







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