Monday, August 20, 2018

I will give you my 20-40 yo voice for ads, liners, jingles, voice overs and any other work in my native Italian or perfect Spanish. + See More

I will give you my 20-40 yo voice for ads, liners, jingles, voice overs and any other work in my native Italian or perfect Spanish. + See More


I'm a professional radio speaker since 1989, working in Pro radio stations and advertising studios of Italy and Spain. 20-40 age voice. Own professional recording studio (isolation, microphone, preamp, audio capture board, software, etc.).
Large experience with advertising, radio, tutorials, corporate videos, medical videos, documentaries, audio books, e-learning, phone systems and IVR.

Speaker professionista dal 1989, fra radio e studi professionali in Italia e Spagna. Timbro vocale 20-40. Studio di registrazione professionale proprio (isolamento, microfono, preamp, scheda audio, software, etc.).
Lunga esperienza in pubblicità, radio, tutorials, video aziendali, documentari, audiolibri, trattati video medici, e-learning, messaggistica telefonica e IVR.

Locutor profesional desde 1989. Soy italiano y vivo en España desde 2008. Edad de la voz 20-40. Estudio de grabación profesional propio (aislamiento, micrófono, preamp, tarjeta de sonido, software, etc.).
Larga experiencia en publicidad, radio, tutoriales, vídeo corporativo, videos de medicina, documentales, audiolibros, e-learning, centralitas telefónicas e IVR.


hatsutane:Perfect bilingual speaker (Spanish and Italian) with an excellent support, strongly recommended.

danielediez:tante grazie Alex!

alexmartinelli:Come sempre un piacere!

stefanfraefel:it was perfect! i will come back again!

alexmartinelli:Thank you very much! It has been a pleasure to work with you!

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