Monday, July 9, 2018

I will create a bespoke workout programme that will get you results

I will create a bespoke workout programme that will get you results


js-gig-main-desc ">I'm offering to design a bespoke workout program, which is tailored specifically to you. The workout program can be based in an environment of your choice (home, gym or outdoor workouts -  or even a mixture of 2 or 3).

You are GUARANTEED results with any of the packages as I am an experienced & qualified Personal Trainer that has led many people to transforming their bodies and lives.

The basic package does not include dietary analysis. So, if you're looking to really commit to becoming the fittest and healthiest person you can be, I recommend buying one of the packages that include dietary analysis as someone can workout as much as they want, but still will not get the results if their nutrition is not to a good standard. I say nutrition is about 80% of the effort you need to put in, maybe even more, if you're looking to lose weight or gain muscle, and working out is about 20%, if not, less. I highly recommend one of the packages including dietary analysis.

Dietary analysis should take roughly 4 days as I need you to record your current nutritional intake from 3 different days, then I need roughly 1 day to analyse it and suggest nutritional advice to you. 







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