I will be offering spiritual distant healing

· I'm a Doctor of natural medicine licensed in Germany, Reiki master, spiritual healer, Health Expert and a Kundalini Yoga teacher . In my opinion health has to be cultivated on three levels: The physical, the mental and the spiritual level. If any of these fails, there cannot be complete health.
There is always a spiritual message in any disease. If you have a heel spur for instance, you need to think about “Which step did you not take yet in order to reach your destiny” or an autoimmune disease: “What is it,that brings you to direct your anger towards yourself?”
- I offer distance treatment through spiritual healing (I need a photo of yours)
- I can give you advice based on natural medicine

natmum:A very very very helpful and compassionate healer. Thank you so much for your help.
beakay:Dr. Breuestedt is very attentive and helpful. I suspect his healing is powerful, because I feel an unexplained effect, a few hours later.
dr_breustedt:responsive, empathetic, spiritual and very greatful
natmum:A very very very helpful and compassionate healer. Thank you so much for your help.
beakay:Dr. Breuestedt is very attentive and helpful. I suspect his healing is powerful, because I feel an unexplained effect, a few hours later.

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