Wednesday, July 11, 2018

I will get you fitter with my 30 days crossfit custom workouts

I will get you fitter with my 30 days crossfit custom workouts


js-gig-main-desc ">I have a purpose of changing people's lives and get them far from suffering Cronic Diseases and others overweight and sedentarism problems.
For that, besides working on a fitness facility training people I want to impact as many lives as I can by offering this budgeted customized program that you can utilize anywhere.
I'm including also a membership to my online platform for the delivery of my program and for any questions and feedback that you can have from me, Your new Fitness Coach!
All I need is your time available during the week and the equipment you have on hand, or if not equipment is available at the moment.
The Program
  • Individualized Programming delivered through a convenient Desktop Software and Our Mobile App. 

  • Awesome Communication platform thanks to FitBot.

  • Video Breakdown of Exercises.

  • Super Fast Feedback from the Coach.

A combination of my personal fitness journey with studies, certifications, tons of researches and my huge passion for teaching is the driven machine that will get anybody to the Fitter Version of Themselves!







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