Friday, July 13, 2018

I will get you that six pack you have always wanted

I will get you that six pack you have always wanted


Looking to get that six pack you always wanted without starving yourself or spending hours on the treadmill? I have exactly what you need.

Improve your physique, your diet and your life in general with my help.

This gig offers:

Beginner to Six Pack e-book

My e-book will teach you how to set up realistic goals, how to use determination and make yourself go to the gym even when you're not motivated. How to calculate your macros, how to simplify your diet, is cardio a must to get six pack abs, if you can go out and drink and have abs and so much more.

Meal plan for a month

You're most likely going to need more than a month to get six pack abs but it will get you going and it will show you that it is doable and you'll love it. All meals included based on the foods you like and your working schedule for meal frequency. 

Workout routine + Meal plan

You're getting the meal plan from the standard gig + a full workout plan based on your level of fitness, your working schedule and your goals. The full split, what exercises to do, how many sets, how many reps, EVERYTHING! 







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