Friday, February 7, 2020

Be Your Online Personal Trainer And Nutrition Coach


Hey there! πŸ™‹‍♀️

Are you tired of being unhealthy and feeling crappy all the time? IT ENDS NOW! πŸ‘Š

I'm certified Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach and Nutrition Coach. I have also graduated from Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland).

Here is one of my clients experience of training with me:

"I had not been going to the gym before - or had any regular exercise what so ever so I was shy to try it. My first criteria for making a contract was that I "click" with my PT, so I can take the step out of my comfort zone and I definitely did that with Mira! She was on the same level with me, understood my goals and thoughts about want I wanted and didn't want and I was always eager to go training with her. Mira is down to earth, cheerful and sturdy in the right situations! She has good social skills and she knows how to anticipate situations and keep the classes very versatile! I warmly recommend Mira as a trainer!

In a nutshell: With Mira I had the support and initiative to start working out and feel better!"

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them and I will be more than happy to help you out! 😍

Let's go! 😎πŸ’ͺ

<3 Mira



Great communication and speedy delivery.


Great experience.

: : :

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