The Egoscue Method is a posture alignment therapy that uses low-impact, corrective exercises to restore the body to its intended, functional design, alleviating chronic pain and recurring injury. I analyze your static posture and provide a menu of therapeutic exercises with detailed instructions to achieve long lasting pain relief and posture correction.
Eliminate chronic pain, become more athletic, enhance performance, and enjoy an active life!
Each additional menu is also $30.
Long lasting relief, can take up to 8 wks. Though, results can occur in just 1 day. Everyone's circumstance is different.
IF YOU ARE A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR A POSTURE THERAPY:You are suffering with chronic pain and want to find long lasting relief
You are dealing with recurrent injuries and want to address the underlying cause not just treat the symptom
You are an athlete and want to stay injury free, optimize performance, and extend your career
You want to avoid surgery and improve your health
You want to improve your posture, the way you look, and how you feel

Very easy transaction
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