Saturday, February 8, 2020

Tell Reassuring Stories To Any Bodypart To Relieve Sickness And Stress


I was brought up by my grandmother, who was a sadhu (a holy Indian woman with abilities). She has taught me something very special: the power to heal bodyparts through reassuring storytelling. I know this sounds weird to your western ears, but hear me out on this.

Say you have backaches or a sprained ankle, (I'm sorry for you). you tell me exactly what hurts and I record reassuring stories catered to your back or ankle please. You play the story to your bodypart, by holding the speaker to said bodypart. I guarantee you in 24 to 106 hours you'll be good as new. Don't think about the science part of it (I have a masters in engineering, so no fraud please). Just believe me and be in awe of it all please.

My voice is calm, soothing, holy and a doctor. Please use my services to be better. I don't like sick people in the world. 


: : : : :

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