In the basic program you'll get a weight-loss program for 8 weeks. Every week you work out three times á 30 min. Two or three times a week (this is up to you and how much time you have) you and I will be in contact to see how the workout is going and if you have any questions or need motivation.In the standard program you will get a weight-loss program for 10 weeks. Every week you will work out three times a week á 60 min. We will be in contact a couple of times every week (up to you) to make sure everything is going as planned and making sure you are on the right way reaching your goals. You will also get instructional videos of the exercises you are going to perform to make sure they are done correctly.
The premium program is a weight loss-program for 12 weeks where you work out 4 times/week á 60 min each time. Just like the standard program you will get instructional videos and regular contact with me.

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