In 2003 awaiting bypass surgery I was introduced to a supplement for clogged arteries.I found two other supplements.
Over a few months my symptoms eased off then finally disappeared. I never went for the surgery.
I returned to my cardiologist to get permission for physical therapy after a car accident over a year later and after many tests including heart stress tests, and two Nuclear MIBI scans, he announced my arteries were clear, there was no longer any evidence of clogged arteries.
I had been experiencing nightly leg cramps, shortness of breath, and chest pains.
Severe heart palpitations on an almost hourly basis.
One of the other two supplements I found was indicated for heart palpitations in addition to supposedly clearing arteries. This was the one that showed the fastest results. After three days the heart palpitations reduced in frequency and were gone completely in a week. This is when I decided there must be something to this supplement thing.

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